CEMET Secretariat (+48 22) 32-03-200
Instagram @grupa_cemet
Contact uscemet@cemet.pl
CEMET SERWIS Secretariat (+48 22) 32-03-350
Contact uscemet.serwis@cemet.pl
Our company has been active in the transport industry since 1958 and we specialize in railway transport of loose materials.
+48 22 32 03 200
+48 22 32 03 202
CEMET S.A. st. Wybrzeże Gdyńskie 6A, Athina Park 01-531 Warsaw
Przedsiębiorstwo Transportowo-Spedycyjne Przemysłu Cementowego established in Warsaw.
Cement handling stations constructed.
An investment to purchase a rolling stock.
The Company renamed to Przedsiębiorstwo Transportu i Spedycji Cementu Luzem.
The Company transformed into a sole shareholder company of the State Treasury under the name of Przedsiębiorstwo Transportowo-Spedycyjne CEMET S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw.
The Company’s stock transferred to the 11th National Investment Fund.
The Company's privatisation completed and name changed to CEMET S.A.
Activities related to the sale of cement and lime from own handling stations ceased. A new business strategy introduced, involving specialisation in rendering logistics services and organising railway transport of loose materials for the cement and lime industry. Railway siding management activities launched.
The first Fair Play Company Certificate
Our offer expanded to include road freight forwarding of palletised materials.
A freight rail carrier licence obtained.
CEMET Serwis Sp. z o.o. established; objects of the Company are road transport of powdered materials in bulk and freight forwarding of palletised materials.
CEMET S.A. commenced licensed transport activities.
The Safety Certificate – Part A and B obtained.
The rolling stock expanded to include a new Uacns 440S railcar to transport powdered materials.
The Certification of the Entity in Charge of the Maintenance of the Rolling Stock (ECM Certification) obtained.
Extension of security certificate - part A and B.
The Certification of the Entity in Charge of the Maintenance of the railway vehicles (ECM Certification) obtained.
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