CEMET Secretariat (+48 22) 32-03-200
Instagram @grupa_cemet
Contact uscemet@cemet.pl
CEMET SERWIS Secretariat (+48 22) 32-03-350
Contact uscemet.serwis@cemet.pl
News, events, media, advertisements
+48 22 32 03 200
+48 22 32 03 202
CEMET S.A. st. Wybrzeże Gdyńskie 6A, Athina Park 01-531 Warsaw
CEMET has successfully passed the recertification process and has obtained a safety certificate part A and B in September 2020 by way of the decision of the President of the Office of Rail Transport.
CEMET S.A. pozytywnie przeszła proces recertyfikacji i decyzją Prezesa Urzędu Transportu Kolejowego w maju 2018 roku uzyskała przedłużenie Certyfikatu Podmiotu Odpowiedzialnego za Utrzymanie w zakresie wagonów towarowych na 5 lat....
We prepared the video about our company. We encourage you to watch the video and take advantage of our services.
On June 29, 2016, CEMET joined the "Declaration on the development of safety culture in railway transport" which was developed on the initiative of the Railway Transport Office. By signing the Declaration company has pledged to promote a proactive...
CEMET has successfully passed the recertification process and has obtained a safety certificate – part A and B in December 2015 by way of the decision of the President of the Office of Rail Transport.
By way of the decision of the President of the Railway Transport Office of 14 May 2015, we have obtained the certificate for Entities in Charge of Maintenance (ECM) for freight wagons. Obtaining the certificate confirms compliance of the Integrated Safety...
CEMET's rolling stock includes a new 440S Uacns railcar for transport of powdered materials. It is designed for transport of goods with bulk density of 0.5-1.4 t/m3, such as cement, lime products, ash. Adopted design solutions are adapted to...
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